The captivating dance of the monarch butterfly is one of nature’s most splendid sights. However, over the decades, this mesmerizing spectacle has become a rare occurrence. This prompts the question: “What’s decimating the monarch populations?”
The answer might just be under our feet.
A Historic Landscape:
North America’s heartland was once swathed in tallgrass prairies. These landscapes, covering around 170 million acres, served as a bastion for a plethora of wildlife, not least of all, the monarch butterfly. These prairies didn’t just offer shelter; they were a food source, with milkweed serving as the primary sustenance for monarch larvae.
The Great Decline:
By the 1970s, these prairies had been vastly altered. The demands of urban expansion, agriculture, and more meant that more than 99% of the original tallgrass prairie disappeared, leaving a paltry 1.7 million acres.
And as these prairies receded, so did the monarchs. From an impressive 1 billion in the 1970s, their numbers dwindled to a concerning 29.6 million by 2019-20 – a staggering 97% decline.
Drawing Parallels:
This synchronous decline – of both prairie and butterfly – is hard to dismiss as mere coincidence. While other issues like pesticides and climate change undeniably play roles, habitat loss is a glaringly evident prime suspect.
Just Gardening:
Imagine your garden as a canvas. Start with the flowers you adore; let the peonies unfurl and the daffodils bob cheerily. Understand the peculiarities of your space and befriend the soil beneath your feet. Once you’ve painted this base, introduce the native plants that butterflies cherish. Watch as the landscape transforms, not just in beauty but in function, welcoming back the magnificent flutter of butterfly wings. By seeing the garden as a whole, you play an instrumental role in not only beautifying your slice of earth but also in supporting one of our planet’s most enchanting creatures.
(Data sources: Historical records on North American tallgrass prairies, Monarch butterfly population estimates from the 1970s and 2019-20).